Article 24 - Grievance Procedure
Section 9 - Complaint by Employee
•Relating to their employment
•Submitted in Writing
•Presented to the Step 1 Management Official –Immediate Supervisor
•Within 15 working days of the action or 1st aware of the act
•Request to advance to the 2nd & 3rd Steps must be made within 5 working days-(Mgmt will fwd the grievance through the 3rd Step. The Union is responsible for invoking the grievance to Arbitration in writing within 15 working days •Describe the matter (Who, What, When, Where, How) and Include Articles allegedly violated
•State Relief Requested
Section 10 - Complaint by the Union
•Relating to the employment of an employee
•Submitted in Writing
•Presented to the Regional Commissioner
•Within 25 working days of the action or with a continuing practice, at any time
•A decision to advance to Arbitration must be made within 30 working days, however prior to invoking arbitration , each party will consult with appropriate levels within the organization, in the case of this local, Loni Schultz, Regional VP