
National AFGE
By taking advantage of the many benefits found on our National website you will find that your dues pay for themselves.  You will also find information on political and legislative actions which affect you as a government employee, events and more.  While there you can even submit your own change your address information and find your member number

This site is loaded with resources.  The contract, constitution, ULP and Grievance information and tips, past Unity Newsletters, Handbook for Grassroot Activists, Health and Safety information. Office Representatives will find this site most useful in addressing challenges faced every day in local field offices.

Chicago Region AFGE
Site is currently under construction.  The site will link all Chicago Region Locals

Become informed about issues that affect all workers nationally, here in Michigan and Oakland, Wayne and Macomb countiesAND

Other Sites of Interest
www.afgelocal2505.org      Find a copy of managements copy of the agreement
www.deltadentalmi.com     Find information on benefits
www.cyberfeds.com          Used for researching federal employment law
www.flra.gov                    Find information needed when filing with the FLRA
www.opm.gov                   Laws and Regulations which impact your employment
www.gsa.gov                    Find Travel Regulations